various print materials, 560 x 132cm, 2014

Metalepsis statement drafts
scattered across my studio walls, some for years rather than months, Shaped from research and formal studies, play and failure, it slowly dawned on me that these pieces,,, between themselves said something, or rather suggested something; echoes of all my conscious attempts to articulate something concisely.
Between themselves became an accumulation of echoes
the phrasing/language of images, their content and composition, flow through a succession of
circled around and contained Here content – meaning as such – is always implied, inferred in the passing and located on the periphary. The subjects, like visual metaphors, shift, they take the image's formal make up and
a cross pollination along the way
frustrated articulations
images, frames, forms and material influence, quote and re-quote each other… story structures take visual form creating encounters of images akin to the interactions of characters, the transgressive blurring of boundaries between the image and the framed or printed photograph like separate narrative levels breaking in on each other
What is it for images, like words, to move through a succession of visual tropes. What carries over and what introduces, recursive, referential, subject and form An image constellation, settled in a syntax and cadence.
Echoes of concepual interests, personal auto-biography, personal narrative
the image's subject as well as its formal phrasing is taken through a succession of visual metaphors building on and borrowing across from each other,
the phrasing/language of images, their content and composition, flow through a succession of associations and alterations, visual echoes, both referential and recursive